Nilly's Diary

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Life after Ramadan

Ramadan is over :(
I am really sad for that. I honestly have hard time with it at the beginning. You know; new job, 4 kids and husband, coming home late, and worship that needs to be fulfilled In order to feel that I have done something good for myself and paid the respect to Allah S.W.T during this holy month. However, it turned out that I accomplished everything I wanted in a complete manner, ALHAMDULELLAH. I even was able to make Tahajod for that last 10 days at the Masjed….YAY

EID :)
It was awesome. We went to Eid prayers where I met a lot of my friends that I missed for couple of years when I was in Lebanon. Next, we went for breakfast at IHOP and it was YUMMY!! The kids have enjoyed every minute of that morning. After that, went for Eid visits at couple of our friends.

Dallas :D
Is where we headed afterwards!! We came home after the visits, packed and hit the road for a family trip. Hubby booked the hotel and off we went. It was very nice and relaxing. We met our friends, the E’s. They have moved from Huston to Dallas so we explored the city together. While driving on the road I received a very nice phone call from work to tell that I’ve been granted a promotion in my job. So now I became an “Instructional Designer” … YAY YAY YAY. I love this job because it’s all about the degrees that I earned in my M.ed and Ph.d, so I will be utilizing what I have learned to do. Al7amdulellah Da2eman wa Abadan.

Here are some of the shots that I took during the Eid weekend :)

shopping in Dallas with Baba

Eid P.Js

Kareem and Zuzu on the way to the Masjid :)

The kids with Baba after Eid prayers

      Hope you all had a joyous time with your loved ones

                                                                                  Love ~