Nilly's Diary

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I have to give you – my dear readers – some details in order for you to understand why I was so happy with this note.
As you might all know, I have been in the United States for 12 + years now.  When we first moved here Farah, my oldest daughter was 4. Now she is 17. Arabic was the main language spoken in our house for years and to maintain that and to make sure that the girls won’t forget their mother tongue, we put them in an Arabic school that was sponsored by the Saudi Embassy. This school was established to serve the Saudi students who came with their families to study in AR. To make a long story short, Husam managed to have Farah enrolled and she started 1st grade. It was a BIG challenge to teach her something that she practices only few hours a day!!
Now, Farah is starting college, so I took her with me yesterday (since I work at that college) to finish her paper work and registration. She had to leave the office while I was in a meeting so she wrote me this note in Arabic. I was happy when I read and realized that all the effort that we put in her did not go wasted. I love my Farah !!